What have we been up to?

In the wake of the Covid disruption that reshaped our world, we’ve been confronted with profound changes in our perceived ‘normality’. These shifts have compelled us to pause ..


Not just ourselves, but also the way we live and how practice Architecture. With a rich track record and fresh perspectives, we’re taking a moment to reflect on our past and recent achievements, spanning the period before, during, and after Covid.

We're now thrilled to introduce the latest chapter in our architectural journey:

Design Network

Architects and Urban Designers, established in 2021. Expanding our reach: Through collaborations, cultivating and expanding new networks, and injecting fresh energy into our practice of architecture and design, we find renewed inspiration for our work. Our unwavering commitment to design excellence and social responsibility in the field of architecture and urban design remains our guiding compass, with the full support of our dynamic and creative team.